Month: November 2021
Changes to EV ‘Greenbar’ SSL Certificates
Updates to EV (Extended Validation Certificate) SSL certificates. EV or Green Bar’ SSLs were 1st introduced in 2007 as a means of showing that the owner of the site had gone through extensive checks by the certificate providers to prove that there were indeed the owner of the domain in question. The idea was to […]
Magento Patch Update: Open Source 2.3.4, 2.2.11 & Security Only Patch 2.3.2-P2 Now Available
Magento Patch Update: Introducing several security enhancements including PSD2-compliant core payment methods. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your site to ensure you continue to benefit from the most up to date security compliance and performance. Important notice: This is the last update for Magento 2.2.* and no further updates will be released. Introducing: […]