

Very interesting 2015 stack exchange survey results: Educators take note.. here is a job providing

2015 stack exchange survey results

Very interesting 2015 stack exchange survey results:

Educators take note.. here is a job providing £50k per year in salary with 80% job satisfaction where 40% of those employed did not learn it from school and almost no women do it.

Luxembourg has the most devs per capita
the average developer is 28.9 years old higher in US and UK
92.1% of devs are male!!
41% are self taught while 38% have degrees
Javascript is the most popular language
34% are using windows 7 (mac, linux and windows 8 20% each)
Notepad++ is the most popular text editor at 35%
70% are using git for version control
Norwegian devs drink the most coffee per day at 3.09 cups per day. The average UK dev survives on only United Kingdom 2.54 cups per day.. yikes
Objective-C programmers are the most rewarded with salaries of $98828 pa.. poor php guys only get £77322
Ukraine are the most rewarded in terms of living costs and could buy 21,825 big macs with their salaries of $26,190.48
United Kingdom devs can only buy 15,757 big macs on a salary of $68,860.59
about 10% of coders would rather be doing something else…the other 80% are happy and 10% don’t seems to care one way or another